Kim on a quad with son

Home Page

Nile Shriners Logo My name is Kim Newman. I currently live in the Lynnwood area with my husband and son. I enjoy spending time with them and our small but spunky black lab, Cole. My husband is my best friend and we do everything together including running our businesses for the past 20 years. My son is a typical 15 year old who prefers to spend time on his computer talking to friends. As a family, we have become involved with the Nile Shrine and Shriners Children's Hospital.

Nile Nightmares Haunted House Logo The past 2 years we have worked in the largest Nile Shrine fund raiser the Nile Nightmares Haunted House. I spend my time there selling tickets while my husband runs security. My son has the best job of getting into costume and scaring all the visitors. Selling tickets is really fun as I get to see the people coming in all worked up ready to be scared and I get to see them when our roaming actors come by and scare them.

Boys Camping in HammocksYou can often find us camping in the summer dragging our son and some friends out to the woods. We love to camp in Granite Falls where there is no cell phone reception. There we can unplug from technology and relax with friends. Our son can often be found surrounded by friends in their hammocks usually hanging from the same trees.

Please check out my interests page to see more of my other interests which include seahorses, lacrosse, gardening, and fostering. As well as viewing some samples of my website and database projects.

Thank you for visiting my site.