Kim on a quad with son


Seahorse raised from baby


I have always been interested in salt water tanks. I started a tank for seahorses and in October 2016 was able to purchase my first 4 seahorses. Shortly after getting them they had babies. I have successfully raised over 100 seahorses from these 4 horses. One of the things I liked the most about having the seahorses is that even though they are fish they each have a different personality. Some have been shy and hide in the back corners of the tank while others will swim up to you and eat out of your hand. One of my favorites would hitch to my hand each time I reached into the tank.


My son started playing lacrosse in 1st grade. The team he was on folded the next season and my husband and a group of us decided we could put together a team to continue the lacrosse teams. We have been involved for many years. My son has not played for a season but I am continuing to be involved for this next season. I love all the team age groups but my favorite to watch are the kindergarten-2nd grade. The k/2 team are my little bobble heads. Their helmets are as big as they are and they have a hard time running with the extra weight on their heads. I love watching all the players grow and advance in skill.

Edmonds Eagles Lacrosse
Lacrosse Teams
Container Garden Veggies


I grew up with a garden on our property and love the taste of fresh vegetables. There is something about growing your own food that makes it so much better. Living in the city we now have a smaller back yard. I did some research and came up with a plan for a garden that takes less square footage. I got a couple 55 gallon drums used for food storage. I carefully measured out where I wanted to be able to plant the vegetables and cut the slits. The picture is of a finished product full of lettuce, broccoli and kale. You can see the barrel next to the lettuce was just planted. I found that the barrel had some issues with getting enough sun on all sides so I am going to put it on a lazy susan to be able to turn it regularly. I got a great crop of lettuce that year.


I love fostering dogs. My family started fostering because we lost our dog and were not yet ready to get a dog of our own. We knew eventually we would be ready but were looking for just the right dog. Our first dog came to us on August 28, 2016 her name was Pibbles. Every dog we fostered was an awesome dog. Some had a few more challenges than others but all were friendly. There were many we came close to keeping. Cole came into our home and hearts on December 6, 2017. We knew right away he fit perfectly with our family. He had another home lined up before we took him in. He was with us to recover from a cold before joining his new family. The family's older dog didn't like his puppy ways and we were blessed to adopt him.

Dog named Cole


Dog named Pibbles


Dog named Bailey


Dog named Max


Dog named Grover


unnamed boy dog


unnamed girl dog


Dog named Winn Dixie

Winn Dixie

Dog named Bear


Dog named Harley


Dog named Angie


Dog named Scoobie



I have been editing websites for the past 15 years. I have really enjoyed my time working with websites and felt it was time to continue my education and learn to build them from scratch. My first formal class was in Joomla where I built a website for one of my businesses using that platform and a beautiful template.
You can visit my full site at: Everett Ideal Weight Loss


I also really enjoy working with Microsoft Access databases. I have learned so much the past few years playing with building databases for my businesses. I have recently been working on making forms for the databases to make them more user friendly. Using the forma builder, and VBA I have been able to make functional forms for data entry, queries, and reports.

Ideal Protein Access Form Ideal Protein Access Form Ideal Protein Access Report